Notes on Participation
〇参加予約について About reservation for joining
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Welcome-Tokyo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ken.welcometokyo/
Please make a reservation for joining beforehand on this homepage, Meetup or Facebook.
The host check your reserved page at the reception. If we couldn't confirm that, you can't join or you need to pay additional charges.
Person who is under 18 years old (including high school student) or guardian is accompanied by children aged under 16 need to send us message before the reservation.
There's possibility that you can't join in case you reserved without the message.
As for cancel after you reserved, please read Cancellation Policy.
〇参加資格 Joining qualifications
・高校生を含まない満18歳以上の方 ※条件を満たせば18歳未満での参加も可能。詳しくは、「イベントごとの年齢制限」をご覧ください。
Those who do not have a false name, date of birth, phone number, e-mail address etc declared
· People who can protect their manners (Do not do any other inconvenience or discomfort acts of others)
· Refusal · Multilateral Commercial Law · Insurance
· Persons who do not invite any solicitation to other participants, such as solicitation by peers
· People who can buy own minimum 1 drink at each venue (in case the venue is restaurant)
· 18 years older (Not including high school students) *there are exceptions. check [About age requirement] for more info.
On the day of the event, please write your real name (full name) in the form prescribed by our company at the reception desk.
In some cases, we will check public identity confirmation documents (license, insurance card, passport etc.).
If you find that you do not meet the above qualifications for participation, you may be asked for damages if you refuse participation in the future or you leave during the event.
Furthermore, that event. Participation fee. Repayment. Not to be able to do.
イベントごとの年齢制限について About age requirement
【Language Exchange(言語交換会)】
■Basically, all children under 18 (including high school students) cannot join our events.
However, if you satisfy the following conditions, you can join the events.
【Language Exchange】
Venue Style: Cafe
Available Time: 10:00am-5:00pm
Condition: All children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, Need to order at least one drink per person except of baby.
*Free entrance fee for children in elementary school and younger.
Available Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Condition: All children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, Underage drinking and smoking are prohibited.
*Free entrance fee for children in elementary school and younger.
【Wagashi Meetup】
Condition: All children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, Children in primary school and younger cannot join even if with a guardian.
**To guardian who bring small children**
Please take care of a child/children you bring not to disturb other guests. And there is a case to remove you from the event or be not able to join by the judgement of management side. In addition, we can't give you a refund in that case.
〇禁止行為 Prihibited acts
Welcome Tokyoグループのイベントでは以下の行為を禁止しております。
・詐欺や窃盗などの犯罪行為が発覚した場合、特に悪質であると当社が判断した場合については、Welcome Tokyoイベントの信用を著しく毀損する営業妨害として30万円の損害賠償金を請求致します。
The following actions are prohibited at Welcome Tokyo group events.
· Any solicitation for other participants, such as network business, MLM, religion, insurance, solicitation by peers
· In addition, any actions that disregard the trust of the event with employees in charge of the group
· Trying to join an event without the reception
· Sexual harassment or act of hitting on someone
· Drinking or eating food you bring at the event's venue
· The act of causing inconvenience to another participant or making it uncomfortable
When these acts are discovered, there are cases where you refuse participation or you may leave during the event.
Furthermore, that case. Repayment. Not to be able to do.
In the event that a criminal act such as admission, fraud or theft of a business associate is discovered, or when the Company judges that it is particularly malignant, it will cause damages of 300 thousand yen as a business disturbance that will seriously damage the trust of the Welcome Tokyo event I will claim compensation.
✉ welcometokyo.events@gmail.com
If other participants are found the act, please share the information (If you have the information below, it will be a lot of help, please contact us via e-mail).
· Title of confirmed event
· Meetup account name and Facebook name of the target person
· Date and time participated
· Contents of problem
〇その他免責事項 Disclaimer
Welcome Tokyoでは利用者の事前の承諾を得る事なく本注意事項を変更する事ができ、利用者はこれを承諾するものとします。
その他、Welcome Tokyoは以下の事項につき、一切の責任を負わないものとします。
・Welcome Tokyoの故意又は重大な過失以外の事由による参加者の蓄積した情報の消失、他者による改ざん
・各イベント等の開催中にカメラマンもしくは弊社従業員等による、写真及び動画撮影が行われます。その撮影データの使用については、弊社及び関連団体等のイベント事業の為のプロモーションに使用されます。プロモーションの使用先としては、弊社ホームページ、Mobile app、インスタグラム、Facebook、TwitterなどのSNS上で掲載公開され、今後のイベント等の集客の為に利用させていただきます。その為、撮影を希望されない場合は、イベント等に参加をされない事をお願いしております。参加を希望される場合は、イベント開催の事前に申し出て頂く事と、イベント中に撮影される方たちの背後に隠れて頂き、協力する姿勢を他の参加者に見せつつ、撮影に協力される他の参加者たちのモチベーションを、下げないようにご協力をお願いいたします。参加者の皆さんが、イベントへの参加をしている風景や会話をしているまたは活動をしている最中の意図しないタイミングでの撮影も行われる事をご了承ください。
At Welcome Tokyo, this notice can be changed without obtaining prior consent of the user, and the user accepts it.
The user shall confirm the part where the participation agreement and various regulations are stated consecutively and we will not bear any responsibility even if there is a disadvantage to the participants by not confirming these
We shall assume. In addition, Welcome Tokyo assumes no responsibility for the following matters.
· All troubles and damage caused by participants
· Lost or damage your belongings during Welcome Tokyo's event you join
· Information disappearance of participants' accumulated information due to reasons other than willful or serious negligence by Welcome Tokyo, tampering by others
· Disadvantage caused to participants by not being able to read this notes
Those who make a reservation please make a reservation after agreeing to this notice and terms of use (Meetup and WelcomeTokyo and EiComu homepage please check.).
In case
Events scheduled to be held may be canceled due to reasons such as natural disasters.
When canceling the event, we will post a notice of the cancellation of the event by our HP before the event starts.
Please note that we are not responsible for any disadvantages or transportation expenses incurred due to the event being canceled.
・ Photos and videos will be taken by the cameraman or our employees during each event. The use of the shooting data will be used for promotion for event business such as our company and related organizations. The promotion will be posted and published on our homepage, Mobile app, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other SNS, and will be used to attract customers for future events. Therefore, if you do not wish to shoot, please do not participate in events. If you wish to participate, please let us know in advance of the event and hide behind the people who will be filmed during the event, and cooperate with the filming while showing the attitude of cooperation to other participants. Please cooperate so as not to lower the motivation of other participants. Please note that participants will also be filmed at unintended timings during the scenery, conversations or activities they are attending the event.
Upon completion of the application for participation, the portrait rights of the person participating in the event during the event are agreed to the scope of use for the Welcome Tokyo event business.